Friday, May 25, 2007


The book is titled "Bordertown" and regards sympathetically for the way los tejanos have been marginalized in the borderlands. It's an artbook, relying on design, montage and photographs to convey their rhetoric. But as well respected it is visually, there is come clever use of language as well. They set the tone for the rest of the book, not with the opening paragraph, but with a hand written blurb on the second. It clearly declares their book notjust as art, but also as ethos propaganda.
Yo Tengo un pistole
Con manago de marfil
para matar todos los gringos
Qui viennen por ferrocarril!
(I have a pistol
With a marbel handle
With which to kill all the Americans
Who come by railroad)
-Folk tune popular in Chihuahua durring the
Mexican revolution
and the Mexican american war.

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