Friday, August 26, 2011


Burroughs is an icon now whose fame is nebulous, famous for begin famous, before being famous for being a writer. Tales of drug use, gunplay and a late life connection to Kurt Cobain have largely elapsed his literary legacy. He'd be both amused and concerned for us. I sometimes re-read some of his iconoclastic works to remind me why he doesn't need defending or lionizing.
"Contradictory commands are an integral part of the modern industrial environment: Stop. Go. Wait here. Go there. Come in. Stay out. Be a man. Be a woman. Be White. Be Black. Live. Die. Be your real self. Be somebody else. Be a human animal. Be a superman. Yes. No. Rebel submit. RIGHT. WRONG. Make a splendid impression. Make an awful impression. Sit down. Stand up. Take your hat off. Put your hat on. Create. Destroy. Live now. Live in the future. Live in the past. Obey the law. Break the law. Be ambitious. Be modest. Accept. Reject. Plan ahead. Be spontaneous. Decide for yourself. Listen to others. Talk. SILENCE. Save money. Spend money. Speed up. Slow down. This way. That way. Right. Left. Present. Absent. Open. Closed. Entrance. Exit. IN. OUT. etc., round the clock."

All that while in the context of comparing American media madly to an archaic Mayan calendar. Long live the king.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I found a handmade book, bound by hand, written by hand. He quotes from Emerson and elaborates a bit for a dozen broken sparse pages. An equal number are blank. I'll probably never know where it came from.