Saturday, November 11, 2006

One Very Hot Day

A terribly dry book on the Vietnam war. Not the best I've read by far, and not the worst, but in the middle of all the stiff language David Halberstam cuts loose for ONE SENTENCE.

"It had been a day and a night and a day again of terrible and hysterial bitterness and fear and death -of fear being passed among them in the confusion like a great contagious disease, of men groaning and dying and screaming in both languages, of Americans shouting to get those sons of bitches moving, the Vietnamese saying again and again it was not the right time, the must pick the right moment, the Americans saying, no goddamn it now, or we'll all die in this stinking wet hell-hole, and the Vietnamese saying not now, we must wait, take cover, and the Americans shouting, there is no god-damn cover, and always the wailing and the shivering in the background."

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